Department of Mathamatics and Statistics
The mathematics and statistics program is balanced between pure mathematics and
applied mathematics and statistics. In pure mathematics, courses are offered in the broad areas
of analysis, geometry and algebra. In applied mathematics, courses are principally in statistics
and operations research. The department offers honors and general BSc programs.
Several combined-major programs are available for students interested in studying mathematics
and another discipline or specialization.
S.Ambikumar, Lecturer (on leave)
A.K.Antonipillai, Lecturer (on leave)
S.Anthonirajah, Lecturer (on leave)
Z.T.Hoole, Lecturer
S.Janarthanan, Lecturer (on leave)
T.Kathiravertpillai, Lecturer
P.Makinan, Senior Lecturer
R.Muhunthan, Lecturer
P.Paramanathan, Lecturer (on leave)
J.Rajeswaran, Lecturer
N.Ramesh, Lecturer (on leave)
R.Sekeran, Lecturer (on leave)
M.Skantharajah, Senior Lecturer
S.Srisatkunarajah, Senior Lecturer
V.Tharmaratnam, Senior Professor and Head
S.Velummylum, Lecturer (on leave)
S.Yogarajah, Senior Lecturer
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